21 research outputs found

    Estudio de la Escuela de Espalda de la Universidad de Almería. Ejercicio físico, rendimiento y salud laboral

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    Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de la Escuela de Espalda (EE) de la Universidad de Almería en la percepción del rendimiento laboral, de la condición física y la salud raquídea de sus trabajadores cuando acuden al dicho programa. Metodología: Se desarrolló un programa de ejercicio físico con una duración de 3 meses con una frecuencia de 2 días a la semana y 30 minutos por sesión a 56 trabajadores de la Universidad de Almería (n=56), que en su mayoría, tenían algias raquídeas y que formaron el grupo de la Escuela de Espalda. Se realizaron ejercicios de estiramientos (activos y pasivos), de fuerza y de concienciación postural. Los resultados fueron evaluados al final del periodo de intervención mediante un cuestionario autoadministrado. Resultados: Se ha comprobado que los sujetos que participaron en la EE de la Universidad de Almería durante los 3 meses de intervención, mejoraron su percepción en el aumento de la condición física general (81%), en la tonificación muscular (81%), en la autonomía en la realización de los ejercicios (95%), en el cambio de sus hábitos de higiene postural (76%), en la mejora sus aptitudes físicas para la realización de sus funciones laborales (81%), en la influencia positiva para su rendimiento laboral (76%), en la mejora psicológica para afrontar la jornada laboral de manera más positiva (81%); también han comentado las experiencias vividas en la EE con otros compañeros de trabajo (100%), y volverían a la EE (100%). Conclusiones: La EE de la Universidad de Almería ha contribuido positivamente en la mejora de la percepción del rendimiento laboral, en la condición física y la salud de sus trabajadores que participaron en dicho programa

    Estudi de l’Escola d’Esquena de la Universitat d’Almeria Exercici físic, rendiment i salut laboral

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    Objectiu: Avaluar els efectes de l’Escola d’Esquena (EE) de la Universitat d’Almeria en la percepció del rendiment laboral, de la condició física i la salut raquídia dels seus treballadors quan acudeixen al programa esmentat. Metodologia: Es va desenvolupar un programa d’exercici físic amb una durada de 3 mesos amb una freqüència de 2 dies per setmana i 30 minuts per sessió a 56 treballadors de la Universitat d’Almeria (n = 56), que majoritàriament, tenien àlgies raquídies i que van formar el grup de l’Escola d’Esquena. Es van realitzar exercicis d’estiraments (actius i passius), de força i de conscienciació postural. Els resultats van ser avaluats al final del període d’intervenció mitjançant un qüestionari autoadministrat. Resultats: S’ha comprovat que els subjectes que van participar en l’EE de la Universitat d’Almeria durant els 3 mesos d’intervenció, van millorar la seva percepció en l’augment de la condició física general (81 %), en la tonificació muscular (81 %), en l’autonomia en la realització dels exercicis (95 %), en el canvi dels hàbits d’higiene postural (76 %), en la millora de les aptituds físiques per a la realització de les seves funcions laborals (81 %), en la influència positiva per al rendiment laboral (76 %), en la millora psicològica per afrontar la jornada laboral de manera més positiva (81 %); també han comentat les  experiències viscudes en l’EE amb altres companys de treball (100 %), i tornarien a l’EE (100 %). Conclusions: L’EE de la Universitat d’Almeria ha contribuït positivament a la millora de la percepció del rendiment laboral, en la condició física i la salut dels treballadors que van participar en el programa esmentat

    Validity and Reliability of an Inertial Device for Measuring Dynamic Weight-Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion

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    A decrease in ankle dorsiflexion causes changes in biomechanics, and different instruments have been used for ankle dorsiflexion testing under static conditions. Consequently, the industry of inertial sensors has developed easy-to-use devices, which measure dynamic ankle dorsiflexion and provide additional parameters such as velocity, acceleration, or movement deviation. Therefore, the aims of this study were to analyze the concurrent validity and test-retest reliability of an inertial device for measuring dynamic weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion. Sixteen participants were tested using an inertial device (WIMU) and a digital inclinometer. Ankle dorsiflexion from left and right ankle repetitions was used for validity analysis, whereas test-retest reliability was analyzed by comparing measurements from the first and second days. The standard error of the measurement (SEM) between the instruments was very low for both ankle measurements (SEM 0.05) even though a significant systematic bias (~1.77°) was found for the right ankle (d = 0.79). R2 was very close to 1 in the left and right ankles (R2 = 0.85–0.89) as well as the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC > 0.95). Test-retest reliability analysis showed that systematic bias was below 1° for both instruments, even though a systematic bias (~1.50°) with small effect size was found in the right ankle (d = 0.49) with WIMU. The ICC was very close to 1 and the coefficient of variation (CV) was lower than 4% in both instruments. Thus, WIMU is a valid and reliable inertial device for measuring dynamic weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion

    Core Muscle Activity during Physical Fitness Exercises: A Systematic Review

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    The aim of this study was to systematically review the current literature on the electromyographic (EMG) activity of six core muscles (the rectus abdominis, the internal and external oblique, the transversus abdominis, the lumbar multifidus, and the erector spinae) during core physical fitness exercises in healthy adults. A systematic review of the literature was conducted on the Cochrane, EBSCO, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science electronic databases for studies from January 2012 to March 2020. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were used. The inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) the full text available in English; (b) a cross-sectional or longitudinal (experimental or cohorts) study design; (c) the reporting of electromyographic activity as a percentage of maximum voluntary contraction (% MVIC), millivolts or microvolts; (d) an analysis of the rectus abdominis (RA), transversus abdominis (TA), lumbar multifidus (MUL), erector spinae (ES), and the internal (IO) or external oblique (EO); (e) an analysis of physical fitness exercises for core training; and (f) healthy adult participants. The main findings indicate that the greatest activity of the RA, EO, and ES muscles was found in free-weight exercises. The greatest IO activity was observed in core stability exercises, while traditional exercises showed the greatest MUL activation. However, a lack of research regarding TA activation during core physical fitness exercises was revealed, in addition to a lack of consistency between the studies when applying methods to measure EMG activity

    Valoración del raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica en ciclistas de categoría élite y máster 30

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    El objetivo principal del estudio fue evaluar la disposición sagital del raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica en bipedestación y sobre la bicicleta, en ciclistas de las categorías élite y máster 30. Un total de 45 ciclistas élite (media de edad: 22,71  ±  3,23 años) y 45 ciclistas máster 30 (media de edad: 34,40  ±  2,87 años) fueron evaluados con el sistema Spinal Mouse® en bipedestación y sobre la bicicleta en los diferentes agarres del manillar: transversal, de manetas y bajo. En bipedestación, los valores angulares medios para el raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica fueron de 47,96  ±  7,23°; -27,62  ±  6,97° y 14,29  ±  5,49°; y de 47,82  ±  9,32°, –26,58°  ±  5,97° y 12,07  ±  4,77°, para los ciclistas élite y máster 30, respectivamente. En ambas categorías, se observó una elevada frecuencia de casos con hipercifosis torácica en bipedestación (57,80 % en élite y 53,40 % en máster 30). Sobre la bicicleta, los ciclistas élite y máster 30 mostraron una reducción significativa de la cifosis torácica con respecto a la bipedestación. En cuanto al raquis lumbar se dispuso en una postura de inversión. En conclusión, la frecuente hipercifosis torácica en bipedestación, en ambas categorías de ciclistas, podría estar más relacionada con otros factores que con la postura adoptada sobre la bicicleta

    Evaluation of the Lower Limb Muscles’ Electromyographic Activity during the Leg Press Exercise and Its Variants: A Systematic Review

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the literature on muscle activation measured by surface electromyography (sEMG) of the muscles recruited when performing the leg press exercise and its variants. The Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines were followed to report this review. The search was carried out using the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science electronic databases. The articles selected met the following inclusion criteria: (a) a cross-sectional or longitudinal study design; (b) neuromuscular activation assessed during the leg press exercise, or its variants; (c) muscle activation data collected using sEMG; and (d) study samples comprising healthy and trained participants. The main findings indicate that the leg press exercise elicited the greatest sEMG activity from the quadriceps muscle complex, which was shown to be greater as the knee flexion angle increased. In conclusion, (1) the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis elicited the greatest muscle activation during the leg press exercise, followed closely by the rectus femoris; (2) the biceps femoris and the gastrocnemius medialis showed greater muscular activity as the knee reached full extension, whereas the vastus lateralis and medialis, the rectus femoris, and the tibialis anterior showed a decreasing muscular activity pattern as the knee reached full extension; (3) evidence on the influence of kinematics modifications over sEMG during leg press variants is still not compelling as very few studies match their finding

    Muscle Activation and Kinematic Analysis during the Inclined Leg Press Exercise in Young Females

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    Knee joint muscle activation imbalances, especially weakness in the vastus medialis oblique, are related to patellofemoral pain within the female population. The available literature presents the leg press as an exercise which potentially targets vastus medialis oblique activation, thus reducing imbalances in the quadriceps muscles. The main aim of the present study was to compare thigh muscle activation and kinematic parameters under different conditions during the inclined leg press exercise in a young female population. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 10 young, trained females. Muscle activation of the vastus medialis oblique, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris and gluteus medialis was analyzed under five different inclined leg press conditions, modifying the feet rotation (0–45° external rotation) and the stance width (100–150% hip width) on the footplate. All the conditions were performed at two different movement velocities: controlled velocity (2″ eccentric–2″ concentric) and maximal intended velocity. Mean propulsive velocity, maximum velocity and maximum power were also assessed. The results show that both controlled velocity conditions and maximal intended velocity conditions elicited a similar muscle activation pattern with greater activation during the concentric phase (p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.96). The maximal intended velocity conditions showed greater overall muscle activation (p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.91). The vastus medialis oblique presented the greatest muscle activation, followed by the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis and, the gluteus medialis. Furthermore, the inclined leg press condition with 0º feet rotation, 100% hip width distance and the maximal intended velocity generated the greatest kinematic parameter outputs. In conclusion, the inclined leg press exercise might be an optimal exercise to target vastus medialis activation regardless of the feet rotation and stance width conditions

    Validity and Reliability of a New Inertial Device for Monitoring Range of Motion at the Pelvis during Sexual Intercourse

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    To understand the physical demands of sexual intercourse, it is necessary to monitor the kinematic parameters of this activity using relatively non-invasive technology. The aims of this study are to analyze the validity and reliability of an inertial device for monitoring the range of motion at the pelvis during simulated intercourse and compare the range of motion (ROM). Twenty-six adults were monitored during intercourse using an inertial device (WIMU) and a motion capture system (gold standard) in a test that consisted of 4 sets of 20 simulated in–out cycles (IOC) in missionary and cowgirl positions. Men and women were tested separately in a laboratory setting for simulated intercourse aims. There were no differences between the WIMU and the gold standard system at fast pace (p > 0.05), whereas there were differences at slow pace (~2.04°; p ≤ 0.05; d = 0.17). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the relationship between systems was very close to 1 at both paces (slow: 0.981; fast: 0.998). The test–retest reliability analysis did not show any difference between sets of measurements. In conclusion, WIMU could be considered as a valid and reliable device for IOC range of motion monitoring during sexual intercourse in missionary and cowgirl positions

    Effect of Five Bench Inclinations on the Electromyographic Activity of the Pectoralis Major, Anterior Deltoid, and Triceps Brachii during the Bench Press Exercise

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    The bench press exercise is one of the most used for training and for evaluating upper-body strength. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the electromyographic (EMG) activity levels of the pectoralis major (PM) in its three portions (upper portion, PMUP, middle portion, PMMP, and lower portion, PMLP), the anterior deltoid (AD), and the triceps brachii (TB) medial head during the bench press exercise at five bench angles (0°, 15°, 30°, 45°, and 60°). Thirty trained adults participated in the study. The EMG activity of the muscles was recorded at the aforementioned inclinations at 60% of one-repetition maximum (1RM). The results showed that the maximal EMG activity for PMUP occurred at a bench inclination of 30°. PMMP and PMLP showed higher EMG activity at a 0° bench inclination. AD had the highest EMG activity at 60°. TB showed similar EMG activities at all bench inclinations. In conclusion, the horizontal bench press produces similar electromyographic activities for the pectoralis major and the anterior deltoid. An inclination of 30° produces greater activation of the upper portion of the pectoralis major. Inclinations greater than 45° produce significantly higher activation of the anterior deltoid and decrease the muscular performance of the pectoralis major

    Evaluation of dynamic spinal morphology and core muscle activation in cyclists. A comparison between standing posture and on the bicycle

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    (1) Background: Cycling is characterized by a sustained sitting posture on the bicycle, where physiologic spinal curvatures are modified from standing to cycling. Therefore, the main objective was to evaluate and compare the morphology of the spine and the core muscle activity in standing posture and cycling at low intensity. (2) Methods: Twelve competitive cyclists participated in the study. Spinal morphology was evaluated using an infrared-camera system. Muscle activation was recorded using a surface electromyography device. (3) Conclusions: The lumbar spine changes its morphology from lordosis in standing to kyphosis (lumbar flexion) when pedaling on the bicycle. The sacral tilt significantly increases its anterior tilt when cycling compared to when standing. The spinal morphology and sacral tilt are dynamic depending on the pedal’s position during the pedal stroke quadrants. The infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, external oblique, and pectoralis major showed significantly higher activation pedaling than when standing, although with very low values